Topic Papers

Economic Impact of Hearing Loss

Two-thirds of adults with hearing loss in the EU go untreated, leading to an annual cost of €185 billion due to lost productivity and reduced quality of life. People who do not receive treatment are at higher risk of unemployment, lower income, comorbid health conditions, and social isolation compared to individuals with normal hearing.

Mental Health and Hearing Loss

Untreated hearing loss contributes to social withdrawal, loneliness, and depression. A study revealed that the odds of experiencing loneliness were 2.2 times higher among older adults with hearing loss compared to hearing peers. It is proven that cost-effective hearing interventions such as hearing aids and cochlear implants show significant benefits connected to mental well-being.

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Importance of Hearing Screening

Systematic hearing tests across a population are the best way of breaking down barriers, and identifying and treating those with untreated hearing loss in order to avoid the long-term effects. Universal newborn hearing screening is the minimum standard of care in pediatric hearing health. The area that requires vast improvement is systematic hearing screening programs for the over 55s.

Healthy Hearing for Healthy Ageing

In Europe, one-third of people over 60 years are living with disabling hearing loss. By 2050, the global number of people with hearing loss will double. The association between ageing and hearing loss is evident. Therefore, national hearing screening programs and treatment options are proven to help avoid or minimize comorbidities, social isolation, and financial costs in Europe.

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Impact of Hearing Loss on Cognition

Hearing loss – the top modifiable dementia risk – accelerates cognitive decline and harms social and mental health. Timely interventions like cochlear implants improve outcomes, while the Hearing Health Forum EU calls for awareness, national strategies, and equitable treatment access to support healthy aging.


Patrick D'Haese


Hearing Loss and the Link to Cognitive Decline

52 million Europeans are affected by hearing loss and the WHO predicts this number to almost double by 2050. Hearing loss is linked to comorbidities and is the number one modifiable risk factor of cognitive decline

Prof. Dr. Paul Van de Heyning

University of Antwerp

Awareness of Hearing Loss Consequences

The HHFEU wants to raise awareness of hearing loss consequences and how costefficient it is to keep them in mind. The European Parliament has a definite impact on how we life together in Europe and must be aware of those consequences.

Prof. Dr. Paul Van de Heyning

University of Antwerp

Hearing Loss Affects Society and Individuals

Hearing loss is not just a number of how much loss of hearing one ha or that it can easily be treated. Hearing loss has a widespread influence on society and individuals – it has emotional and economic impacts.

Henri-Francois Baiverlin

Quick Hearing Solutions are key

Hearing Loss and the Link to Cognitive Decline

For hard of hearing people, the brain forgets that it can hear. That is why solutions must be taken quickly – authorities must be aware of this. That is important for companies, health services, and families.

EU Projects

We are also proud to share details about our numerous projects across the European Union. These initiatives aim to advance hearing research, promote awareness, and foster innovation in hearing health solutions.

Explore below to learn more about our most recent EU projects and stay informed and inspired as we work together to improve hearing health across Europe and beyond!

Inclusive Education for all in Europe

MED-EL, an Austrian-based global leader in highly innovative hearing implants, and MEP Ádám Kósa, the first deaf member of the European Parliament, are driving initiatives to address inclusive education for deaf and hard of hearing students. Through round-tables, they work with policymakers, industry leaders, and NGOs to develop EU-wide policy recommendations.

The round-table in June 2021 focused on inclusive education, which is a key element of the EU’s 2021-2030 Disability Strategy. Studies show, that hard of hearing and deaf students face greater academic struggles, many of them being placed in special schools  that lack pathways and opportunities for mainstream education and/or employment.

Policy recommendations: 

  1. Involve deaf and hard of hearing individuals in all education policy discussions.
  2. Create an EU group to guide inclusive education reforms.
  3. Support organizations advocating for the rights of the deaf and hard of hearing.

MEP Kósa and MED-EL call on EU policymakers to create an education that is more inclusive and accessible for all.

Revolutionary Hearing Screening for Adults in Malta

Untreated hearing loss has an immense impact on people’s lives including dementia, social isolation, as well as mental health problems. With Europe’s ageing population, the issue will become more and more important.

In Malta they are taking a proactive approach to tackle untreated hearing loss in communities: Our president at the HHFEU, Maltese MEP Alex Agius Saliba, leads this revolutionary program for adults across Malta. The aim of the “Hearing Care for All” initiative is to identify hearing problems as soon as possible, along with raising awareness for hearing loss at the same time.

“It is our duty to support and promote hearing health in the best possible way, by promoting professional and quality hearing and balance care practice through education and public awareness, supporting research and facilitating access to innovative technologies”, says Agius Saliba.

EuroTrak Survey

Hearing Health Across Europe

The EuroTrak survey by EHIMA  provides valuable insights into the state of hearing health in nine European countries. By examining the prevalence, awareness, and impact of hearing loss, as well as the adoption of hearing aids and access to care, the survey highlights key areas for improvement in each country. This data serves as a foundation for promoting better hearing health strategies and ensuring equitable access to care for all Europeans.

Download For Your Country

The Hearing Health Forum has created 9 country-specific One-Pagers, including findings and tailored policy recommendations to address their unique challenges.

Download and share the One-Pagers for those countries:
Belgium, Norway, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Norway, Netherlands



















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Launch of Policy Manfesto on Hearing Health

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#EUHPP Webinar "Healthy Ageing for Healthy Hearing" hosted by European Commission

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Active Ageing through Healthy Hearing: European Parliament Event

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New Platform "hearbetter" for Hearing Professionals, an initiative by our partner MED-EL

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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Calling for a European strategy for hearing loss

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